Free Limited Telephone Consultation
To ensure that we can provide you with a good match in terms of your specific mental health service requirements, we invite you to call us for a free limited telephone consultation with a psychology specialist.
You may call us for your free limited consultation by contacting us by calling the telephone number One SixFourSeven SevenZeroOne SixSevenOneFive (substitute the words for numbers), or click for other alternatives in the Contact Us page. Please note that your telephone service provider may charge you for this call depending on your location. We will certainly not charge you, but rather will welcome the opportunity of serving you to the best of our ability.
Any consultation you request and obtain via this Internet website, telephone, and/or mail (traditional, electronic, or fax) is deemed by us as a request for orientation of a general nature, not psychotherapy, and is not offered as such by us, nor in place of a face-to-face professional intervention with a qualified mental health professional.
In EMERGENCIES, we request that you DO NOT use our free limited telephone consultation service, but call our professional services in emergencies cellular telephone number (it is the same number indicated above for the free limited telephone consultation), and/or 911, and/ or the institutions in charge of emergencies in your locality. You may also attend the Emergency Room of your nearest local hospital.
By contacting us and/or by requesting a consultation, you acknowledge and accept these terms, and those in our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.
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